Tripemco is a Canadian leader in insuring risks for hospitality businesses, from family-owned restaurants to franchise hotels and everything in between. Your business has unique exposures and could need coverage for live entertainment, high liquor sales, catering, lodging, or high attendance events. Whether you are a large operation with multiple facilities or a small café with simple counter service, our team can structure a product specifically for your business and make sure that you’re effectively covered and your risk is protected.
Tripemco offers Canada’s premier insurance product for cannabis retail stores and licensed producers. We are great at matching the property, product, and liability coverage you need to ensure you meet all Health Canada and provincial licensing requirements. We also offer an exceptional building owner insurance package, with competitive rates that may be able to lower your overhead costs should you be responsible for these premiums, or own the property yourself.
The contracting industry includes a broad set of companies with wide range of size and expertise. Whether you are an independent contractor, a large general contractor, or a subcontractor, you will need an insurance product exclusive to the risks your business faces. Tripemco’s team has specialists familiar with every aspect of the contracting industry and will help tailor a product just for you. This may include commercial property, contractor’s equipment, commercial general liability, commercial vehicles, and surety bonds.
Your manufacturing business is part of an integral industry in Canada and curating an insurance package and risk management strategy is just as important to ensure you and your product line keep producing. Our brokers can assess, understand, and help mitigate your distinctive risk across the supply chain from inputs to end user, so in the event of an interruption at any step in the line, your reputation and revenue stream recover quickly and efficiently.
Tripemco Insurance Group Limited
99 Highway No. 8
Stoney Creek, ON L8G 1C1
Toll Free: 1 800 461 5083
Phone: 905 664 2266
Fax: 905 664 3169
Business Hours
Monday – Friday
9:00 am – 5:00 pm
Marketing Partner: FlyPrint
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